Hair, catholic figurines, lichen, foam, clay, coral, paint, petrified wood and googly eyes, approx. 9 × 12 × 12 inches
The first in a series of “altarpieces” that wonders about the possibility of making “sacred” works in an impossibly desacralized world. The sasquatch is a cryptid rooted in an ancient mythology of half-human, half-animal living in liminal wild space, which exists, or has existed at one point or other, across the world:the Wodewose in Europe, the Yeti in Tibet, the Yowie in Australia, the Almas in Mongolia, the Orang Pendek in Indonesia, Batutut in Vietnam, the Yeren in China, the Amomongo in the Philippines, the Barmanou in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Chuchunaa in Serbia, the Basajuan in the Basque, and Am Fear Liath Mòr in Scotland. I see the phenomenon of sasquatch sightings as one of the last ciphers of hope, contingent on the continued existence of wild space.