Of Awks and Owls

Of Awks and Owls

19 min­utes

Video essay about bird extinc­tion in light of human his­to­ry and ear­ly cap­i­tal­ist exploita­tion. Voiceover of the text is played against close­ups of taxi­der­mied birds which are extinct, endan­gered, and threat­ened. Con­cept, essay, and voice over by Mari­na Roy, cam­era by Bri­an Lye and Mari­na Roy, sound by Gra­ham Meis­ner; many thanks to Chris Stin­son at the Beaty Bio­di­ver­si­ty Muse­um for his assis­tance and access to facil­i­ties. This project was made pos­si­ble with the gen­er­ous sup­port of the Cana­da Coun­cil of the Arts.

vimeo video