Alice and Martha

Alice and Martha (in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Natasha McHardy)
31 min­utes

Alice and Martha earn their liv­ing at a tedious deliv­ery job. As you fol­low them through their day, against the back­drop of a gener­ic city [Van­cou­ver], Martha monop­o­lizes the con­ver­sa­tion with her nos­tal­gic mem­o­ries of the old coun­try, her dis­en­chant­ment of mod­ern-day life, and her dreams of escape. Alice’s pent up anx­i­eties and emo­tions trans­late into anger as she is forced to respond to Martha’s antics. She won­ders if she’ll be able to keep it togeth­er in the pres­ence of her over­bear­ing com­pan­ion whose obser­va­tions force her to ques­tion such a mun­dane exis­tence. To what lengths will they go in escap­ing their repet­i­tive dai­ly lives?